Did you know that stress is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and the entire Western World? Some scholars believe it is the primary reason for death. Stress research began in the 1950s and 60s with the work of Hans Selye. Remember that guy in your college psychology class? He studied biochemical changes and stress reactions of animals in his laboratory. Selye found that cortisol and adrenaline levels increased during stressful experiences. These substances later became known as stress hormones and the word “stress” came to mean an alteration of our body’s biochemistry.
What is Stress?
While cortisol and adrenaline levels do increase during times of stress, it is important to understand that they are not the “cause” of stress. Rather, stress is caused by an emotional experience. Stress is essentially fear. There are many things to fear – both real and imagined. You can be hit by a car. Terrorism is real. A hurricane can destroy your home. These are real fears that are threats to survival. There are also many imagined fears that are not threats to our survival – we don’t have enough time or money for instance. These also cause great stress.
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The Real Problem
Although stress is the reaction to a fearful state, the real problems arises when the body does not go back into relaxation afterwards. Many people become frozen in their stress response for extended periods of time and this is what does the real damage to the body. Over time, the body breaks down. Stress hormones were never meant to remain at high levels in the body for long periods of time. These chemicals wear down the immune system and the body is no longer efficient at fighting off invading pathogens. Muscles remain tight and impinge on nerves which begin a hydrogen binding process or simply put – dry out. The final step in this process, the individual is diagnosed with some disorder or disease.
Where does Your Stress Come From?
A better question may be “Where doesn’t your stress come from?” In today’s hyper-paced, post-modern world, it seems almost impossible to get away from the numerous sources of our stress. We live on our cell phones and almost 90% of millennials sleep with it. We drive to work listening to our GPS System and continual music or news as we drive past billboard after billboard, advertising something that we should want for ourselves. We come home to the television, computer, tablet, and landline phone. Did you miss a message? Better check your voice massages!
How to Relax
True relaxation comes only when you let go of your responsibilities for a while and shut down the fear. Your body will naturally begin to heal when it is relaxed. You can stay healthier and prevent many illnesses by relaxing more and reducing stress levels. Many people experience depression and anxiety and these rare associated with stress. Taking prescription medication will not remove stress or fear. Instead, remove yourself from the sources of stress in your life for a while, every now and then, and reboot your immune system. Shut down sources of stimulation that cause you stress. Some hotels now offer a “technology safe” where you can hand over the cell phone, tablet or laptop and schedule a message, walk on the beach, or enjoy a sunset without checking your email.
Final Words on Workplace Stress
I hope this short article motivates you to take a break, reduce your stress and eliminate fear for a while. The body is an amazing machine, but needs time to shut down and recalibrate for optimal health. Get some exercise, go for a walk, and learn to rest. Take a vacation or staycation and put the devices away. Just breathe.
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