After scanning through the literature and poking through various academic journals, I came across an interesting question, and one that I have thought about for many years. “What do seniors who live in skilled nursing homes want or desire on a daily basis?” Understanding the needs and perceptions of daily living is an important component of assessment and outcome measurement concerning quality of care.
It’s not surprising that most seniors do not want surf and turf, fine wines or champagne. They do not long for chauffeurs who drive them to fancy destinations. There is no talk of high-tech gadgets or smart televisions either. What they do want lies at the roots of what most people would need or crave in order to feel meaningful, purposeful and alive.
Older adults in skilled nursing want to be comfortable, both physically and psychologically. They want good food, a nice room, a clean environment, and friendly people around them. They also want to maintain their physical and cognitive health for as long as possible, allowing them to be independent and exercise self-control.
Skilled nursing home residents do not want to feel confined, trapped, or feel like their autonomy has been stripped away from them. They don’t want to feel like their lives are over-regulated and are pressured to conform to group-focused rules. They desire freedom to come and go, leave the facility, and stay connected to the outside world.
Just like anyone else, they desire to remain connected to people and maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships. At their age, family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances are possibly more important than ever before in their lives and they don’t want to be lonely. Seniors who were alone prior to moving in may experience an increase in quality of life with the possibility of so many new relationships.
One last thing that many nursing home residents express as a desire is the need to accept their station in life. If there is no possibility of going home, the skilled facility is their new home. The other residents and staff are their new family. At home, they may be a burden to their children, and they don’t want that. They would rather accept and adapt to their current situation and reality.
After reviewing what your nursing homes residents want, isn’t it clear that these are some of the most basic desires and wishes that any of us would want or need to feel human?