Replacing “Work-Life Balance” with “My Lifestyle”

Replacing “Work-Life Balance” with “My Lifestyle”

For years and years, I have read about, spoken about and struggled to understand the concept known as work-life balance. On one hand, some experts on this topic stress that it is real and can be achieved and on the other, some say it is an illusion as well as an unachievable goal. Is it the job or career that is taking too much time? How important is time management when it comes to work-life balance? How about we start from scratch and just throw out the term work-life balance with “My Lifestyle”?

Living in Reality

Life is too complex. Work can be unpredictable and social life can take many unseen turns. To focus on balancing work and life seems to be unrealistic because nothing about reality is static. Instead I propose we simply focus on what is important to us and develop the mindset of “My Lifestyle”.

Things to Think About

What exactly is work-life balance anyway? It is having the right proportion of work per day and then the same amount of quality time with family and friends? Does it refer to a 50-50 split, just enough work to satisfy one’s needs, and then play time? It may be more realistic to consider there is no perfect balance and no flawless schedule. Instead of working towards balance, perhaps striving for reality – your reality and lifestyle – would work better. Some days will be filled with work and others will not. There will be days where playtime is more important than anything else.

Fluidity and Flexibility

Work-life balance cannot take account for the flexibility we need because time doesn’t wait for balance. It continues to move in one direction and all things are fluid and in motion. Today, most employees talk about flexibility in their schedule, not work-life balance, and why is that? Flexibility lends to one’s lifestyle. It allows for change in routine, schedules, and tasks. It also allows for refocusing on what is important at a particular time. If you don’t believe this, ask a Millennial or a Generation Z youngster what they value.

Do What You Love

Consider this: if you do what you truly love and find meaning and purpose in it, are driven and motivated by it, and your identity is deeply wrapped by it, what need is there for work-life balance? Isn’t it more appropriate to refer to this as your lifestyle? It is when people don’t do what they love and simply go to work for the sake of earning a paycheck or getting by, that they try to find balance in their lives. Instead of seeking balance, perhaps they are yearning for meaning and purpose.

Other Things to Consider

My lifestyle is a far better way to frame what a person does with their job or career and their life, family, friends and interests. An individual’s health may limit what kind of work one participates in, and in this way, health becomes a part of the person’s lifestyle. The very nature of work today is changing and many people will work virtually and remotely. Work-life balance may make this scenario a bit muddy.

Final Thoughts on Replacing “Work-Life Balance” with “My Lifestyle
Work-life balance may become an antiquated term soon. It seems too cut and dry and nothing about life or work is so simple. As times change, the nature of work does too, and we need a better term for the idea of work-life balance. I believe that framing our work, life, interests, family, friends and everything else we do in “My Lifestyle” is a far more realistic way to view it.

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