Present Like a Pro

Present Like a Pro

Regardless of one’s field, career or job title, one of the greatest assets in one’s professional arsenal is the ability to present anything to anyone, anywhere. Despite public speaking being the number one phobia in the United States, people can learn information, gain knowledge, and develop a personalized speaking style they can call their own. I learned a formula for successful presentations long ago, that involved only 2 parts: 30% involves what you know or the knowledge of some topic, and the other 70% is a serious passion to share that information with others.

Know Your Stuff

It was once said by someone that “We can’t know everything about everything, but we must know as much as we can about what we do”. To present like a pro will take some time reading, studying and memorizing interesting information that others will want to hear about. Some professionals shy away from public speaking because they think someone in the audience will trip them up on something they don’t know. No one knows everything! And, it’s very human to admit that you don’t know everything. Always remember, most people and audiences are very forgiving and won’t think any differently of the speaker who didn’t know absolutely everything.

Find Your Passion

Most success in speaking publicly comes from an inner drive to share knowledge and information that matters to people. The audience will not just listen to the words being spoken, but will actually feel the energy coming from the presenter. Remember this as well – even when people don’t remember everything the speaker says, they will remember how they felt during the presentation. People attending may come in tired, but then leave energized. Some may be hopeless but find hope after the presenter provides uplifting messages.

Other Strategies to Present Like a Pro

Presenting well is like learning to play guitar and becoming better at a sport. It takes time and practice. It also takes a positive attitude, lots of smiles, occasional well-timed jokes, and being able to read a room. To really become a great speaker, use a combination of the following strategies and tips:

  • Go on YouTube and watch others present on your topic
  • Get to your presentation early and meet the crowd
  • Keep it simple and don’t try to cram too much information into a presentation
  • Focus on your content as well as emotions from the audience
  • Speak directly to as many people in your audience as possible
  • Tell meaningful stories, people love them
  • Make your audience feel good regardless of the topic
  • Be entertaining as well as informative
  • Always keep a glass of water handy

Final Thoughts on Presenting Like a Pro

So many people fear presenting or speaking in public and as a consequence, they may miss out on opportunities in their careers. Good communication skills and the ability to relay important information are valuable assets that many employers seek among their team. While not everyone is born a dynamic, naturally eloquent speaker, with time, practice, knowledge and passion, almost anyone can present like a pro.