There are numerous leadership styles that can help professionals step up their skills as a leader in any industry. Some are strictly job- and results-focused such as the Bureaucratic, Transactional, and Autocratic style. Others are more communication- and relationship-focused like the Transformational, Pacesetter, Democratic and Servanthood leadership style. While these may be a better fit for some leaders in particular industries, attention is now focusing on what experts call “Human-Centered Leadership”.
What is Human-Centered Leadership?
While any type of leadership may be effective for specific job types or situations, most focus is on either the task or employee. What makes human-centered leadership unique is that it sees employees as humans first and employees second. Results are important, but the human being must come first, even before customers. Simply stated, people are the top priority and when this happens, most things will naturally fall into place.
The Focus of Human-Centered Leadership
What makes this leadership unique is not just seeing employees as human first – it actually goes deeper than that. Leaders do more than just get to know their staff. They seek to understand them. They have conversations with their team about their motivations and aspirations. They want to understand their state of mind and well-being. Human-centered leaders ask about relationships and building better relationships in the workplace. Understanding that each person is truly unique and that life happens to everyone aren’t just words.
The Importance of Flexibility
Human-centered leaders know that life is fluid and that everyday can bring with it new challenges, tragedies, successes and more. Staff are exposed to elements in and out of the work arena that can influence their motivation, energy, productivity and overall state of mind. These things matter and human-centered leaders know the importance of flexibility and fluidity.
Characteristics of the Human-Centered Leader
Regardless of one’s leadership style, it might be valuable to incorporate some of the following characteristics of human-centered-leadership into one’s leadership repertoire. To avoid being overwhelmed by all of these aspects, it is best to learn or practice one or two at a time. Over weeks and months, even the most seasoned professional will have the skills to lead today’s workplace. Characteristics of human-centered leadership include:
- They believe that all employees can grow through experience and education
- They exercise great empathy on a daily basis and meet their people where they are in life
- They own their mistakes and are quick to forgive the mistakes of others
- They exhibit a real interest and curiosity in their people and believe in them
- Human-centered leaders are great active listeners
- hey treat each and every day as a new start for everyone
- They empower people to do their best which leads to trust
- Human-centered leaders are “come as you are” which means they are transparent and vulnerable
- They want honest feedback and are not afraid to challenge the status quo
- They encourage their people to engage in continuous learning and are themselves life-long learners
- They appreciate diversity at many levels and leverage it to open up opportunities
- Human-centered leaders never stop thanking people
Final Thoughts on Human-Centered Leadership
Leadership is one of the most important topics regardless of occupation, workplace type or industry. While getting the job done, focusing on results and profits are all important, focusing on employees as humans first can enhance the entire workforce and environment. Everyone knows that employees are people, but leaders sometimes don’t stop to remember this crucial point. They have lives, family and friends, successes and tragedies, accidents and illnesses – just like leaders do. Adopting some human-centered leadership characteristics seems to be a pretty good bet.