CBD for Phantom Pain

CBD for Phantom Pain

A short while ago I was asked to speak on the health benefits of CBD in general, but then to focus on how it might help with symptoms of phantom pain. The audience would be individuals who suffered severe trauma to a limb and lost it, or had one surgically removed. Many of the people in the audience had tried many medications and remedies for their phantom pain, and weren’t finding much success in managing or minimizing it. They had hope that CBD would help.

What is Phantom Pain?

According to research, phantom pain affects between 60-80% of individuals who have experienced an amputation. The result is the perception of pain in the limb or body part that is no longer physically there. Many describe the pain as tingling, sharp, throbbing and the sensation of pins and needles. While some cases resolve themselves with no treatment, for others the pain can linger for years and negatively impact quality of life.

Causes of Phantom Pain

In the past it was believed that phantom pain was purely psychological and “all in your head”. Today, it is widely realized that the central nervous system reorganizes itself after the amputation and this is the root of pain. When nerves are severed after an injury or surgery, there is a significant disruption to the entire system. There can be a build-up of neurotransmitters in the injured area which increases sensitivity to pain. There can also be a disruption in how nerves communicate with the spinal cord and brain.

Other causes of phantom pain include:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood
  • Emotions
  • Poor sleep
  • Lack of movement

How Does CBD Help?

This was the part of my presentation that I looked forward to delivering the most. While there are no studies involving phantom pain specifically, there are multiple studies reporting significant benefits for not only pain but for emotional health. This is important because the two are closely interconnected and mutually influential.

Physical Benefits for Phantom Pain

Research shows that CBD has the following physical benefits, all of which may help an individual with phantom pain.

  • Analgesic, pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Neuroprotectant
  • Protects bones
  • Aids in sleep

Emotional Benefits for Phantom Pain

Many studies also conclude that CBD is effective for the emotional issues that may be associated with loss of a limb. Some of these benefits include:

  • Anxiolytic or anti-anxiety
  • Antidepressant
  • Reduces symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Helps with substance abuse

Individuals experiencing chronic pain who took CBD sublingually or under the tongue (which enters the bloodstream), orally (absorbed in the digestive tract), or topicals (applied directly to the skin), found some level of relief. In certain studies, over 50% of those with chronic pain reduced or stopped using opioids altogether. In other studies, 90% reported reduced pain, better sleep, and an improved quality of life.

Final Thoughts on CBD and Phantom Pain

While there are many studies examining the effects of CBD for pain, there are none looking specifically at phantom pain. CBD can be effective in treating both physical pain as well as the emotional issues that are associated with it and this gives a lot of people hope that it will help for their symptoms related to phantom pain.