Science has demonstrated that eating less is a great way to live not only healthier, but longer. Fasting can also increase one’s health-span, or how long a person is healthy…

Science has demonstrated that eating less is a great way to live not only healthier, but longer. Fasting can also increase one’s health-span, or how long a person is healthy…
Are you feeling sluggish and fatigued much of the time? How about emotionally? Are you sad, indifferent or pessimistic about life in general? You could be suffering from “Paleo-Deficit Disorder”.…
Based on the work of Dan Buettner and work in the “Blue Zones” in places like Okinawa, Japan, we have learned a lot about engaging our longevity genes by eating…
We all have memories of coming down with a cold (“feed a cold and starve a fever”), and mom making homemade chicken soup. The aroma of carrots, celery and onions…
Our human ancestors ate a wide variety of foods in the form of animals, seafood and plants. There is archaeological evidence scratched on cave walls of humans climbing into trees…
The new field of “Nutritional Psychiatry” is providing an incredible amount of information regarding the medicinal role of food in treating emotional and mental disorders. Besides the traditional recommendation of…