Caregiver Burnout and Depression

Caregiver Burnout and Depression

Caregiver stress is one thing. Caregiver burnout and clinical depression are a completely different ballgame. Stress can be very dangerous in and of itself. As a matter of fact, stress is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Burnout is far different than stress. Burnout is the end result of long term, overwhelming and continuous stress that has not been dealt with or treated. Depression is another outcome of chronic stress. Both are important. Both need attention.

Clinical Symptoms of Burnout

There are many clinical symptoms of burnout to recognize. Being overly fatigued, having more headaches, inability to sleep and changes in one’s appetite are common signs. Newly developed emotional problems, increased irritability and sudden difficulties with relationships are more signs of caregiver burnout. People who are overwhelmed by stress seem to have more cold and flu-like symptoms, probably associated with a compromised immune system. Many caregivers suffer from the syndrome of caring for everyone else besides themselves. Does this sound familiar?

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Burnout can lead to changes in one’s personality, and not for the better. Other symptoms include an inability to relax, being more impatient than normal, and experiencing feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. If you think that nothing will get better and nothing will change, you may be experiencing burnout.

It is very unfortunate, but some caregivers who experience stress, burnout or depression turn to self-medicating and substance use. After a while, the caregiver may no longer take care of his or her appearance and hygiene. There may be changes in level of energy throughout the day. One may also lose pleasure in hobbies and other interests once enjoyed. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt may appear. Sex drive may suffer. The individual can experience anxiety, fear, and worry about the future.

Clinical Symptoms of Depression

Any of the above signs and symptoms can also be indicative of caregiver depression. In addition to emotional issues, one may experience a variety of cognitive difficulties including an inability to concentrate, difficulty making decisions and memory problems. Some people may have frequent thoughts about death or suicide. Some people attempt suicide.

What Causes Caregiver Burnout or Depression?
We can break down the causes of either burnout or depression into three sources: work-related or organizational causes, personal causes and lifestyle causes. The work environment can be a great source of stress and pressure. The culture or personality of the organization may be toxic or unpleasant. If people feel they lack control, recognition and have unclear roles, they may experience stress and burnout. High turnover, low wages, poor management, heavy caseloads and negativity may also contribute to burnout.

On the other hand, one’s personality, particularly Type A, may lead to burnout. Professionals who are perfectionists can hang onto that kind of energy for only so long before negative consequences emerge. Feeling that one must be in control at all times is not healthy. It’s ok to let go every now and then. The inability to delegate to others may be a source of stress and burnout. Having unrealistic expectations, poor coping methods and being pessimistic about work can all contribute to psychological and physical burnout.

Lifestyle factors behind stress and burnout include inadequate sleep and poor diet, inadequate social networks and little to no support. Exercise can be a healthy way of dealing with stress, but a lack of it can contribute to more stress and eventually burnout. Maintaining too many responsibilities and not getting enough help from others as well as working too much can all lead to burnout.

Final Thoughts

Stress is like climbing a mountain. You have to be steady and watch every step. Some parts of the mountain will be more dangerous and require greater skill. Burnout is like reaching the top and finding that there is no way back down. You’re spent and exhausted and cannot find a way to get down the mountain you took so long to climb. Everyday stress is normal and some stress as we all know, is good. It gets us out of bed in the morning and on our way to face the day. The point of this article is to be aware of your stress and acknowledge that it may be coming from your workplace, personality or your lifestyle. While I didn’t cover stress management in this article, another take away is obviously to do something about your stress and not allow it to become burnout or depression. Keep calm and climb on!

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