As I make my way through various skilled nursing centers and assisted living communities, I get such a kick out of watching a group of seniors all playing the Nintendo Wii or Microsoft Xbox Kinect. They’re obviously having a good time. But, besides having fun, researchers have studied the emotional, mental and behavioral benefits of exergaming.
It’s no secret that lots of seniors suffer from various negative events in their later life. The loss of a spouse, reduced independence and loneliness are far too common. Conditions like these can develop into more serious problems like anxiety or depression. This is where exergaming has demonstrated some of its most potent effects.
Exergaming, which combines digital gaming and physical exercise, are now being used as daily activities in senior communities across the country and around the globe. Some of the sports-themed games that groups of seniors play are tennis, golf, boxing, bowling, and baseball. They also engage in physical fitness and exercise activities like balance games, yoga, strength training and aerobics.
While exergames were originally designed for entertainment, they have increasingly been used for physical and emotional health. Some of the documented benefits from various research studies include:
- Improvement of upper extremity function
- Memory retention
- Increased social networks
- New friendships
- Enhanced social well-being
- Decreased anxiety and depression
- Reduced loneliness
- Improved attitudes
The idea that games can bring people together physically, socially, and emotionally isn’t a new concept. Modern technology, on the other hand, has brought a completely new twist to this line of thinking. While anyone can enjoy exergaming at any age, the benefits for older adults seem to be profoundly important for enhancing their quality of life.