Becoming the Ultimate Leader: Aligning Personality Traits with Leadership Traits

Becoming the Ultimate Leader: Aligning Personality Traits with Leadership Traits

Anyone who studies leadership knows that there are a variety of theories, types and styles of leadership to choose and emulate. There are, in fact, so many that it can be confusing as to which styles to choose or theories to apply to one’s own leadership brand. Essentially, leadership traits boil down to personality traits, and matching or aligning them can be a very effective way of developing ultimate leadership in any industry.

How Personality Influences Leadership

In simple terms, personality traits predict who will become a leader as well and influence leadership styles. One’s personality has a remarkable impact on becoming a leader, so it’s important to examine and understand one’s own personality. This, of course, requires self-reflection and self-awareness.

Personality and Leadership Traits: The Connection

Many experts would agree that leaders aren’t born, they are developed across time and experience. Their natural personality traits emerge in good and challenging times and just like the analogy of coal becoming a diamond, a leader is the result of a personality under pressure. So, what are these personality traits that are so important to becoming an ultimate leader? Many experts suggest the following:

  • Resilience and the ability to adapt to challenges
  • Conscientiousness and having a strong ethical compass
  • Respectfulness and the knack for building trusting relationships
  • Openness and capacity to embrace new ideas
  • Compassion and the ability to listen, show empathy and act
  • Visionary traits that motivate others and gain commitment to the future
  • Courage and willingness to take bold actions
  • Agreeableness and the adeptness to create harmony and balance
  • Learning agility and the sense to know what to do when one doesn’t know what to do
  • Influential traits and the ability to persuade through inspiration
  • Extraversion and the capacity to attract positive energy
  • Neuroticism fueled by cautiousness and the fear of disappointing others

Without a doubt, this is a lot to digest. Where does one start? Self-reflection and self-awareness are the keys to understanding which of these traits truly reflect one’s personality. The next step would be working on such traits and maximizing their influence as a leader. For those who never give up, resilience is a strong personality trait to hone and add to their leadership style. People who want others to see what tomorrow can bring may possess strong visionary traits and add it to their leadership tool kit.

Final Thoughts on Becoming the Ultimate Leader

In the world of leadership research, training and education, lots of styles, types and theories emerge making it somewhat difficult to determine what kind of leader one wishes to become. To simplify matters, taking the approach that by matching up one’s personality traits with essential leadership traits, it may be easier to clearly determine what makes the ultimate leader.