Leaders have had to be agile in the way they manage, motivate and retain employees from various generations including the Veterans, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y and now Generation Z. Each generation brings with it a variety of personalities, characteristics, and values. Effectively leading Generation Z requires knowledge about them as a group and as individuals, and the clock is ticking, because they will soon replace the Veteran Generation as they fully retire.
Who Is Generation Z?
They are the children of Baby Boomers, making their way out of school and entering the workforce to become the fifth generation to work together at the same time. This group was born between 1997 and 2019 and has been greatly influenced by the social, cultural and world events of this time. As a matter of fact, no other generation has been so deeply connected to the global community.
Events and Social Change That Shaped This Generation
This group has been influenced, affected and exposed to a number of events that are both local and global. Terrorism and 9-11, ongoing war, gun violence, climate change, gender equality, social networking, smart phones, text messaging, being constantly connected through technology, volunteerism, corporate social responsibility, and shared family responsibilities have all made an impact on this generation, which will influence the way they think about and perform work.
Characteristics of Gen Z
Generation Z tends to be very independent and can figure things out for themselves. They were taught largely by their parents to do so. This is in stark contrast to Generation Y or the Millennials, who prefer working as teams and in groups. They are the most racially and ethnically diverse generation ever. They are also a large generation that will soon pass up both Baby Boomers and Generation Y.
The High-Tech Generation
This generation is the first to be born in the digital age and doesn’t know life without digital technology. They have not lived in a world without the Internet. This is important because they have been exposed to the world through the Internet and are the most connected generation globally speaking. As a result, they have grown up with instability, change, and turbulence with the hope of a better future. They are used to disruption.
Personality and the Workplace
Generation Z is comfortable always being connected to others through technology and is comfortable making friends this way. They feel fine communicating openly and honestly with others. They want to work towards change in one way or another, and they feel like they belong to social communities both local and worldwide.
Generation Z strives to find the truth in matters and care about why things happen, want to have authentic experiences, and appreciate practicality. They want to be successful while avoiding financial risks. They also care about environmental sustainability. This generation is also the epitome of diversity. They don’t tolerate or accept diversity like others generations have. Instead they expect it and literally are it.
Leading, Motivating and Retaining Generation Z
Leaders have a lot on their plate concerning managing Generation Z in the workplace. A “one-size-fits-all” approach will not work. This generation is independent and will want to know what their job entails and then go and do it. They will not appreciate micro-management. Everyone in their eyes will be equal, as they have diversity in the DNA. They will value the use of technology and innovation, expect quick decisions and results, and will thrive on relationships and being connected. They will most likely want honest and transparent leadership and will not be afraid to speak their mind.
Take Away
The workplace has been influenced by generations before Generation Z and will be long after it retires. Each generation in the workforce has been shaped by social, cultural and especially for Gen Z, world events. They have seen and experienced a lot in their short lives and will bring what they have absorbed from their experiences into the workplace today and in the coming years. Get ready. Gen Z is on its way.