Birds of a feather flock together. You are the company you keep. Two peas in a pod. It takes one to know one. The general theme running through sayings like these is the Law of Attraction. Many people use this Law without knowing it or thinking about it. Some may know it well and understand that how they think, behave and feel produces energy that goes out to the world and seeks similar energy.
It’s A Universal Law
The Law of Attraction is nothing new and has been written about for centuries. Some experts consider it a universal law of the universe, like the Law of Relativity and the Law of Cause and Effect. The basic principle underlying the Law is that like energy attracts like energy, as in birds flocking together, friends hanging out together, or couples marrying each other. According to the Law, people significantly influence their own lives and their reality by attracting people and things to themselves.
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Negative and Positive
Have you noticed that negative people send negative energy out to their workplace or circle of friends and this energy finds similar negative energy? One sarcastic or bitter employee can attract others who think and feel similarly. This is why misery loves company. Negative people literally attract more things in their lives to be pessimistic about. Complainers find more things to complain about. On the other hand, those who send positive thoughts and energy attract optimistic people.
So What?
Stress is all around us. During economic downturns, recession, unemployment, illness, and crises, stress seems to be amplified and can take a toll on people emotionally and physically. There is a difference between good and bad stress and according to the Law of Attraction, good stress will attract more good stress, while bad stress will attract more of the same. You know what bad stress is but some examples of good stress are sharing love, being a novice at something and change. Sometimes during rough times, the best comes out of people. We tend to see more acts of random love, people helping one another, helping in areas they are unfamiliar with making changes that need to be made to get by.
4 Vital Components of the Law of Attraction
To better understand the power of the Law of attraction, it’s necessary to view its components separately to see how together, they are very powerful.
Positive Energy
Most people thrive on surrounding themselves with happy, positive and healthy individuals. Positive energy comes in the form of how one thinks, behaves and feels. According to the Law, positive energy will attract positive people, actions, and more things to be positive about. During tough times, what is greatly needed is more positive energy, not negative thinking, which might only make matters worse.
Love Energy
Some quantum physicists believe they have measured love energy and find it to be the most powerful form of human energy. Genuine, old-fashioned, tender loving care for others sends great energy out, seeking similar or like energy. Love attracts love. Those who give their love willingly and unselfishly attract more of the same. When people are down, love energy is what is needed.
Things can always be worse. It is therefore important to practice gratitude regardless of the situation. This may be tough for some and easier for others. During times of increased strife and stress, focusing on what we still have instead of what has been lost, can give us gratitude. No matter what happens, are there not significant things in your life to be grateful for concerning your health, family, and friends?
Genuine Relationships
By using our values, beliefs and principles as guides, we are practicing being genuine, regardless of the social climate or national problems. When we stick to these qualities, we normally do much better than abandoning them when times get tough. Being genuine means acting with transparency. What you see is what you get. It’s being vulnerable to and for others. During bad times, it’s good to have genuine relationships.
Final Thoughts on Using the Law of Attraction in Challenging Times
Many things that come to us in our lives don’t do so by accident. We are either consciously or unconsciously thinking or asking for them. The Law of Attraction is more powerful than people may think. It can be a very effective tool during troubling times and personal distress. What kind of energy do you send out to the world when times are bad and people are down?
(NOTE: Interested in learning more about Professional Development in health care? Checkout my Professional Development CEUs on CEU Academy and try a FREE CEU today!)