Putting Action into the Law of Attraction

Putting Action into the Law of Attraction

Some of you may know about the Law of Attraction and others may have no idea what it is. For those who don’t, the Law of Attraction is a very old law of the Universe that maintains like energy attracts like energy. You are the company you keep. Birds of a feather flock together. If you send good energy out to the world, it comes back to you. It comes back to you if it’s bad energy, too. For those of you who do know what the Law of Attraction is, I have a question – Do you know how to activate it or put into daily practice? Knowing about it is one thing. Using it daily is another. Let’s brush up on putting the Law of Attraction into Action!

Daily Practices

What I’m about to share with you are things that I have practiced now for several years. I began my Law of Attraction journey by reading as much as I could find on the topic. I went to bookstores, shopped online, and found as many articles about the Law of Attraction as I could find. I read them all, sometimes over and over again. I highlighted, bookmarked, dog-eared, and wrote notes in margins. Ok, step 1 complete! Now what? The next step is to practice what we have learned. It’s time to put the Law of Attraction into action.

(NOTE: Interested in learning more about Professional Development in health care? Checkout my Professional Development CEUs on CEU Academy and try a FREE CEU today!)

Start with gratitude each and every day. What are you grateful for right now? What do you have that you are grateful for? Who are the people in your life that provide you gratitude? It is important to practice gratitude on a daily basis because you are sending the energy of gratitude out to the world and that energy will seek, find and return more things for you to be grateful about.

It is also important to visualize things you wish to accomplish every day. You must first be able to see what you want in your mind before they can become a reality. Don’t you picture that new car in your head before it ends up in your driveway? Many great thinkers and leaders had the power of visualization and you can, too.

Set both short-term and long-term goals for yourself and make sure to be realistic. A million dollars is not going to rain down from the heavens just because you ask them to. You need goals that you can focus on, visualize and when you achieve small steps towards your goals, be grateful. Write down your goals where you will see them every day. Make them real.

Share your dream with everyone you want to in your family and circle of friends. The more you talk about it, the more it matters and becomes important to you. Talking about it helps you to maintain focus on what you really want. Don’t drive people crazy or bore them to tears, but share your goals occasionally. Talking about your goals also means you are serious about attaining them.

Keep an object with you that reminds you of your dreams and goals. I keep a cross on my chain that was blessed by two priests to remind me about my ultimate goals and dreams in life – to humbly serve and love others. My daughter Karina is always giving me little objects like marbles, rings or stickers that I keep in my briefcase when I go to the office and travel for business. These remind me of another dream and goal that I have already achieved – the love of family.

I really like this one because my wonderful wife, Anabel, says it all the time. “Fake it ‘til you make it”. What this means to me is live your life as though you have already reached your goal. What if you finally earn enough to buy that new Mercedes? Can you handle it? You finally pay off the house and have lots of extra cash. Do you know how to act now? Dress for success. Act like you have it, because with gratitude, vision and a goal, one day you will.

Be positive and kind. Love others with no expectation of them loving you back. Do you know what you’re telling the world now? You are so full of positive energy, love, gratitude and faith, that you have lots to spread around. Guess what’s coming back to you? Positive energy, love, more to be grateful for and unlimited faith. None of these are bad things to have in your life, are they?

Final Words on Putting Action into the Law of Attraction

This is a topic that I can ramble on about for weeks, literally! After a decade of reading and practicing and, by the way, reaping tons of rewards that come to me in so many ways, I want you to be able to use the Law of Attraction in your life. But, you have to start somewhere. Read. Then, read some more. Once you have the basics down, begin to practice the Law of Attraction each and every day of your life. You will begin to see things coming your way. Ask for what you want in your life. Believe it will come to you. Visualize and set goals. Then, open your eyes wide and see what the Law of Attraction brings you.

(NOTE: Interested in learning more about Professional Development in health care? Checkout my Professional Development CEUs on CEU Academy and try a FREE CEU today!)

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