What can we all use more of at work… besides more money? In my humble opinion, if we had purpose-driven employees who could motivate themselves to be great while developing a culture of positive attitudes and happiness, more people would be happy to go to work! Many employees are not happy to go to work and do it mainly for the paycheck. But, we put in more hours at work than we do with our families. What a waste. How sad. All that time without purpose or meaning. I makes me depressed to think about!
What is Purpose?
Purpose is a fundamental human need to move forward and towards a goal. It involves intentional behavior and fulfillment. It is key to happiness, quality of life and success at work. Some people have more purpose at home and others have more at work. When our life purpose and work purpose are the same we can be overcome with happiness. One way to think about purpose is to write your own personal mission statement or vision. What is your mission in life and at work? What is your vision? Where do you want to be a year from now? How about 5 or 10 years from now? You can’t get there without a mental image in your mind. Another way to think about purpose is to ask what you love most in your life and at work. Love will always deliver you to your purpose.
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What is Self-Motivation?
Some people are driven internally. They do things because they want to. They also do things for the sake of enjoyment and self-satisfaction. At work, these people are great to be around, because they are motivational and can be great leaders. People who are self-motivated are more independent and competent. They feel good and make others feel good about what they are doing. Wouldn’t it be nice to work with more employees like this?
The Power of Positive Attitudes
One thing that I have banked my entire adult career on is the power of positive attitudes. They are infectious! But, being positive takes work and can be very draining. Positive attitudes are a choice. You can choose to be negative or choose to be positive. I remember reading somewhere that 90% of our thoughts and actions tend to be negative. Humans may be hard wired to go dark. When you ask someone “How are you?” and they respond “Ok. Could be better”, that’s not exactly positive, is it? When people ask me how I’m doing, I always respond “Phenomenal, fantastic!” because I want to maintain my positive energy throughout the day.
A Closing Statement on Gratitude
As I mentioned, being positive takes work. You have to think about being positive. Here is a method I learned to always focus on the positive. Each day, when your eyes first open, think about what you are going to do during the day that will bring you gratitude. Are you going to make a difference in someone’s life? Will you see people that bring you happiness? Are you creating or developing something great? Then, imagine an empty glass. Fill it with gratitude, happy thoughts, love and positivity. Now, you are ready to face the day! As you work, see people and perform duties, empty a little of your glass as you make your way through the day. At night when you are ready for sleep, ask yourself what brought you gratitude that day? Are you tired, drained or exhausted? Did you empty your entire glass? I hope you did because tomorrow is another chance to refill that glass and give it all away again. This method has helped me in my personal and professional life. It has helped me to focus on my purpose, to remain self-motivated and positive, even ion tough times. I hope it helps you, too.
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