Fixing a Broken Culture at Work

Fixing a Broken Culture at Work

Workplace culture and culture change are very important, maybe the most important things that influence everything else at work. Employees, patients, clients and residents, vendors, medical directors, and visitors can all feel the culture surrounding them. It might be thick with conflict and dissatisfaction or light and clear with joy and happiness. Most things that are broken can be fixed. All is not lost. That is, unless you ask me for a screwdriver. Recently a very talented master craftsman was doing some work in our house and asked if I had a screwdriver. I replied “No”, and he said “Good! Never buy one!” So, here I am, the pot, calling the kettle… you know the rest.

Parts & Pieces of Your Culture

There are many variables in a workplace culture, including employees, attitudes, and the environment. But, let’s look at other important factors that are vital to a healthy culture. Your company’s vision statement or just its vision are crucial. Every great culture should start with a powerful and meaningful mission statement. What is your company’s mission statement? It is important because it drive the next piece of workplace culture – purpose. The mission statement is there to remind all employees why they are there. It is to provide them with the purpose for their being. This in turn leads to most decisions every employee will make while no one is watching.

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The mission, purpose and decisions are also highly influenced by the people you hire in the first place. Hire poor candidates, drag down your workplace culture. Hire great people and watch the energy go through the roof! How engaged are your employees in the mission, purpose and decision-making? How engaged do you want them to be? Do you value their opinions and ideas? Throughout my career, I have heard some of the greatest advice from STNAs who are on the front line day in and day out. Do your employees feel like they have a voice and will be heard if they have ideas to share about improving the workplace culture?

What about your company’s values? A facility’s values are the very heart of its culture. Values offer guidelines concerning behaviors that are appropriate or inappropriate. They guide one’s mindset, attitudes and feelings about the workplace. These are not to be taken lightly and can truly make or break a facility. Values tell us how to serve others – patients, residents, clients, employees, vendors, families and others. They help us to uphold professional standards.

Cultural Carriers

Who or what on earth are “cultural carriers”? They are your people. The culture doesn’t live within the bricks of the building. It cannot be found within the carpet, drapes, or nurse’s station. Culture, simply put, is your employees and everything about them. When a group of people share common values, principles, ethics and practices, they not only embrace that culture, they internally house it.

Seek good people to carry on your culture. There are many talented professionals out there, but they may not embrace your culture at all. Is this a good person-culture fit? No! Remember the saying: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Even the most talented people may not be a good cultural fit. That’s ok. Keep looking!

Professionals who embrace the culture’s values and beliefs will stay for a while. They won’t turnover or job hop. The culture is where their heart is. Many employees leave because their energy simply doesn’t match that of your workplace culture. And, that’s ok. Some turnover is positive. Your job is to find the right carriers of your culture.

The Environment Matters

A culture of happiness will thrive in an environment of happiness. We are only human, but most people are positive and want to do the right thing. I still have not met, in my 30 year career, an employee who goes to work purposely to do the wrong thing. The environment can be both energy as well as a physical place and place helps to shape culture. Is the environment clean and cheerful? Are employees good stewards of their workplace? Is it bright, warm, pleasant and filled with hospitality from employees?

Final Thoughts on Workplace Culture

Almost anything that is broken can be fixed… or completely replaced! How would you rate your current workplace culture? What needs to be work on most? Are your values, purpose or people broken? What is the atmosphere like at work? So thick that you could cut it with a knife or bright and healthy? All of these things matter. People also matter. To change your workplace culture, you need a group of “cultural carriers” who are willing to make it happen. You may not have to look very far to find the agents of change you need to create a culture of happiness at work. They may be right in front of you.

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