Dr. Jim Collins


About Dr. Jim Collins

My love for educating, speaking, writing and building businesses started over 30 years ago.

Today, I am even more driven to provide the best education, products and services to healthcare professionals, caregivers, older adults and seniors around the country.

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CBD and Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs are major causes of disability, hospitalization and death in the United States, Canada and around the world. Getting treatment quickly is vital and can affect health outcomes and recovery. Whether medical problems are short- or long-term, there are numerous treatments available to help with symptoms and the injury to the …

Leading Through Staffing Shortages

Two of the most dreaded words in senior care, especially skilled nursing, are “short-staffed”. The American Health Care Association (AHCA) found in a recent survey that 94% of facilities reported staffing shortages and out of those, 75% indicated that this trend has become worse since 20201. While the pandemic is responsible for dramatic declines in …

The Power of Validation for Cognitive Impairment

Years ago, professionals once believed one of the best approaches to interacting with individuals cognitively impaired due to Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related conditions was “Reality Orientation”. This approach was widely used and involved an attempt to draw the impaired person into the here and now as a way to correct confusion and disorientation. It didn’t …

CBD and Bone Health

Bone loss is a part of the normal aging process. Acceleration of loss in bone mass coincides with a decline in estrogen among females and testosterone, although at a slower pace, for men. Research has identified an important relationship between the body’s endocannabinoid system and bone biology. Specifically, this system influences bone formation, mass and …

Improving Candidate Selection: Some Quick Thoughts

Finding the right candidate for the right position is one of the most difficult tasks in recruitment and retention efforts and is without a doubt the very foundation of a successful team and culture. While selecting good job candidates is a lengthy and costly process, it can actually save money in the future by reducing …

Personality Disorders: A Brief Overview

Everyone has a unique personality which has developed over many years and consists of various beliefs and ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. While the vast majority of Americans will not develop signs or symptoms of a personality disorder, over nine percent will on an annual basis. Significant problems in social, academic, employment and personal …

CBD and Panic Attacks

A fairly common anxiety disorder that is characterized by a sudden episode of intense fear that is associated with a variety of physiological reactions including rapid heartbeat, sweating and shortness of breath is known as a panic attack. Annually, up to 11% of the population in the United States experience a panic attack. While prescription …

Person-Centered Care and Severe Mental Illness – Can It Work?

At the heart of the care philosophy known as person-centered care, is the person who is receiving care, treatments or services. This individual is seen as the most important element in the process and should be considered a partner in care who will make decisions and choices about what he or she wishes and desires. …

Parkinson’s Disease and Pain Management

Quality of life among many people with Parkinson’s disease may be affected more by non-motor symptoms like pain and depression than motor symptoms commonly associated with the disorder. By far, the most frequent complaint is pain which affects between roughly 70% to 95% of all individuals diagnosed with this neurodegenerative condition. Despite this, non-motor symptoms …

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